Jason Fowler trades sex, drugs and rock and roll for Jesus

Jason Fowler watched alcohol addiction destroy the lives of many of his family members so he swore to himself he would never drink.

But it didn't take long for the singer to pick up the bottle and by age 16 he found himself getting into trouble with drinking.

"I tried to fill up my life with things of the world where what I really needed in my life was a spiritual connection to God," he told FOX411.

Fowler said he drank and did drugs to "fit in" and while he thought he was in control of his life, things quickly began to spiral out of control when he began to have success in the music industry.

A band he formed in college called "Dirt Circus" asked Fowler to leave because of his bad habits.

"I got kicked out of a rock band for drinking and I don't know how you get kicked out of a rock bad for drinking but I just drank a little bit differently than everybody else."

Fowler said he still didn't recognize his drinking problem and his family and friends slowly all severed ties with the singer. He lost a record deal because he was out of control, he said.

It was only when Fowler found himself homeless after being kicked out a drug dealer's house that he finally got help.

"It took me going all the way down to a place where I was kicked out of a drug dealer's house because he didn't want me around. He said, 'Look, you gotta get out of here' and I had nowhere to go, I was homeless."

Fowler continued, "I remember it was raining and I was in downtown Atlanta and I said, 'God, whoever you are, please help me.'"

Fowler entered a Christian-based rehab facility and started to get better.

"Next thing I know, it's like a country song backwards. I started getting in a relationship with God, I started getting into a relationship with my family, I started becoming the person that I wanted to be."

In addition to his successful music career -- his latest album "I Fall In" is out now -- Fowler and his wife give back to their community through their ministry called HEARTS Across Atlanta.

Check out Fowler's latest music video for "Family."

Faith & Fame is a regular column exploring how a strong belief system helps some performers navigate the pitfalls of the entertainment industry.

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