Jana Kramer reflects on backlash over ‘hot’ nannies comment, mommy shamers: ‘I’m allowed to have an opinion’

Jana Kramer isn’t afraid to be honest with her fans, even if it means sparking a fiery debate.

The country crooner and mom of two told Fox News she wishes other parents weren’t so hard on each other on social media and would instead be willing to hear out different opinions.


“I think at the end of the day, especially in this day and age, everyone’s very sensitive and everyone wants to be like, ‘Oh, well she said this, and she’s a bad person,’” said the 35-year-old about her recent headline-making remarks. “It’s like, no. I’m allowed to have an opinion and you’re allowed to have your opinion. Do we have to be mean to each other though? I mean, do we have to say mean things because then you’re just being a bully back… I just don’t understand how people can’t have their opinions, and it’s OK to not agree. That’s the thing.”

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“Even in marriage, and relationships, and everything else, with friendship, it’s like, ‘I may not agree with your parenting style, but I’m not going to be mean to you. I’m not going to judge you. I just would do it differently, and that’s OK,’” continued Kramer. “I think people just have a hard time being like, ‘Well, because they’re not doing it this way then they’re either wrong or they’re bad,’ and that’s just not the case. Again, it’s all about just doing you, but it’s definitely hard. It’s not an easy world to live in, especially with people being able to hide behind their computers and say mean things. But you just have to know in yourself that you’re doing what is best for you and your family.”

Kramer recently sparked backlash on social media after being candid on her podcast “Whine Down with Jana Kramer” about searching for a nanny on care.com. While scrolling through the site, the singer scolded some of the candidates for posting sexy photos of themselves on a website meant for families looking to find a professional nanny.

“I just don’t understand some of these girls that post pictures on care.com because I’ like, ‘Don’t you know the female is hiring,” the star explained. “I’m laughing at some of these pictures!”


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“This one photo was like, ‘Hi, I’m 22 years old and I have perky boobs,” continued the “One Tree Hill” alum. “Like, don’t post the perky boob photo. You’re not gonna be hired. I’m not hiring you.”

Kramer quickly tried to clarify parts of her statements that she felt were taken out of context on Instagram.

“There has been some backlash about my nanny comments so I want to come here to discuss. First of all, a few of the things I said were taken severely out of context. Like the fact that people think I meant the nanny deserved it cause she is hot,” Kramer wrote in the caption of a photo of her family. “I did NOT say that NOR would I ever say that or think that. No one ever deserves to be sexually assaulted in the workplace based on what they wear or how they look. Period.”

Kramer noted that she and her podcast crew were discussing the idea of not bringing temptation into one’s household with an attractive and overly flirtatious nanny. However, she acknowledged that generalizing like that is wrong.

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“On my podcast I like to stir things up, start conversations BUT never to offend others. So for the nannies I have offended I’m sorry. The funny thing is all my past nannies have been beautiful and I never cared because they LOVED my children and that’s what it’s about.”

She concluded her post saying, “It’s not about how hot the nanny is, or how big of boobs ur nanny has or what she is wearing... it’s about BOUNDARIES and TRUST.. It truly is about having healthy boundaries with your spouse.”

Kramer admitted there have been times when she was tempted not to share certain aspects of her life on social media. However, she yearns to be authentic and hopes her experience could help another parent.

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“I think with my life especially, people write so much stuff, especially about my relationship and what we’re going through,” Kramer explained. “… My husband and I… we’re going to the conversation into our own hands. So we’re speaking our truth. We’re speaking about our relationship on our terms, and what we know is real and authentic. That’s what we want for our kids because our kids are always going to read the comments online, but we’re putting out there our story in our own words… People can always make things up, but at the end of the day, we’re putting it out there.”


Still, Kramer said that sometimes it’s easier said than done. But she’s not going to stop being true to herself and her followers. And in fact, perhaps someone can identify with the many challenges that come with parenthood.

“It’s tough,” said Kramer. “I mean, there’s so many times where I’m like, ‘Man, I’m just going to stop. I’m going to stop sharing.’ Then I’m like, no… For all the people there’s one negative and then there’s thousands of people that like it. For me, it’s about a lot of people [that] are like, ‘… I feel like I’m alone in this.’ You’re not alone. Every mom goes through this, and every parent goes through this, and every marriage goes through this. It’s just about being open.”

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But these days, Kramer is moving on in the next chapter of her life. Kramer partnered with the Committee for Children (CFC) to raise awareness on “the hot chocolate talk" — a research-based conversation guide to help families know exactly what to say and do to protect kids from abuse.

According to the CFC, children under the age of 9 are most likely to be sexually abused, and in 90 percent of cases, sexually abused children know the person abusing them. An offender can be a friend, family member, neighbor, teacher or coach of any gender.

Kramer said she’s beginning to have the conversation with her children and is willing to share her experience with other parents not knowing where to begin or worse, doubting themselves.

“I think every parent has that [thought] like, ‘Was I the best parent today?’ or ‘I could have done better,” said Kramer. “I think we always say we could do better, but I think it’s more about just being on alert… I think it’s just being cautious of the relationships that your children have… It can be coaches. It could be family. It can be just anyone in your close circle. Just be aware and just be alert. I think that’s the best thing that a parent can do… because our kids need us.”

Fox News' Tyler McCarthy contributed to this report.