Is Lindsay Lohan the Worst Celebrity Repeat Offender?

July 20: Lindsay Lohan in her booking photo.

Lindsay Lohan might be going back to jail ... again.

Not for the first time, not for the second time, but for the third time. What's that old saying again? Three strikes and you're out.

The 24-year-old fallen Disney queen has been ordered to appear before a Beverly Hills judge on Friday following a failed drug test. This time, the judge may sentence the actress to up to 30 days in the slammer.

Lohan came clean about the drug test last Friday, tweeting a public confession to her followers.

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the worst celebrity repeat offenders.

"Regrettably, I did in fact fail my most recent drug test and if I am asked, I am prepared to appear before judge Fox next week as a result.

"Substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn't go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it and am taking positive steps forward every day. I am testing every single day and doing what I must do to prevent any mishaps in the future. This was certainly a setback for me but I am taking responsibility for my actions and I'm prepared to face the consequences," she wrote.

In August, Judge Elden Fox ordered supervised probation for Lohan after her release from court-mandated rehab. Before that, she spent 13 days in jail out of a 90 day sentence for violating probation in her 2007 DUI arrest.

But Lohan is not the first celebrity who has failed to learn from her mistakes. Former pal Paris Hilton has been in trouble so many times, we're seriously starting to think of her as the new Bobby Brown.

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