Ireland Baldwin slams paparazzi on Twitter: Most controversial Hollywood family?

Alec and Ireland Baldwin in 2009. (Reuters)

Alec Baldwin holds his award for outstanding performance by a male actor in a comedy series for his role in "30 Rock" in January 2013; Ireland Baldwin poses in a photo shoot for The New York Post in April 2013. (Reuters/NYPost)

Ireland Baldwin has her daddy's hot blood. The 17-year-old model took to Twitter recently to slam the paparazzi... much like her famous dad Alec Baldwin has often done in the past.

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: Most controversial celeb families

The 6-foot-2-inch teen wrote "I hope all paparazzi get s--t on by a herd of African elephants" … but that's not all. She also posted these gems: "Get a real job you lame doo doo headed dummies," and "I've met maybe a few paparazzi that have been friendly. The majority of you are d--k bags."

Well, we certainly know how she feels about the paps. And it seems like it's not too far off from daddy Baldwin's opinions. But do Twitter rants from the father-daughter duo mean that the Baldwins are Hollywood's most controversial family?

The Jackson family has been bathing in controversy since the '60s, Lindsay Lohan's mom and dad aren't exactly model parents and don't even get us started on the Kardashians. 

There's tons of celeb families out there that are filled with scandal. Which Hollywood family is the most controversial of them all?