Paul McDonald was booted off of 'American Idol' last night. (Reuters)
Can we just brag for a second and say we called it?
After Wednesday night's "American Idol," we predicted that this would be regular flosser Paul McDonald's week to go home. And while we're a little bit sad to say goodbye to the suits and the smile, we don't think America was shocked by his departure -- certainly not on a Pia Toscano level.
Eighth place feels right for Paul, and we're sure we haven't seen the last of him in the music biz.
Even juicier: Did anyone else catch Casey Abrams saying "I love you" to Haley Reinhart after Ryan Seacrest announced that she was in the bottom three? We're 99 percent sure we heard it, and we would guess this confirms that they're not only dating, but pretty serious. Their duet of "Moanin' " was pretty steamy, too.
Stefano Langone also landed in the bottom three again after giving his best performance of the season, which doesn't bode well for his prospects in the coming weeks. Expect to say goodbye to him, Haley, and Jacob Lusk in the near future.
In between delivering the results and mugging for the camera, Ryan somehow managed to get into a little tussle with original "Idol" Kelly Clarkson. Kelly, who performed her song "Don't You Wanna Stay" with Jason Aldean, reprimanded Ryan for "rephrasing her tweets," such as one where she said she was crushing on Casey (which she didn"t really deny). Ryan interrupted her, saying that since it's the results show, he's gotta "get right to it," leading Kelly to snap back, "Just like a man."
If you missed the exchange, it was pretty hilarious -- as was Ryan"s response that the repartee was turning into a "daytime chat show." Rob Reiner also ganged up on Clarkson, affectionately mocking her universally panned movie, "From Justin to Kelly" while offering the contestants tips on how to make it into the movie business. (Based on that zombie commercial, we think they should stick to their day jobs.)
Rihanna also showed up to perform her song "California King Bed," and as much as we love her, we"re not sure about a whole song based on a piece of furniture.
And finally, Paul closed the show with his most memorable song of the season, "Maggie May," urging America to have a good time and "not be sad about this."
"It's been fun," he said.
VIDEO: Watch Paul McDonald's farewell interview.
Paul really has been fun, the epitome of a "cool dude in a loose mood." Not only will he be remembered for his rose-patterned suits and Rod Stewart cover, his impossibly white teeth now have their own Twitter page. If that's not celebrity, then what is?
-Jennifer D"Angelo Friedman, PopNews Wire