In court on Monday, taking the stand for his case against Gawker, Hulk Hogan recalled when his family landed a VH1 reality show, titled “Hogan Knows Best.”
He said he signed on for the show to help his daughter’s music career. He said the show was also an attempt to save his marriage to his now ex-wife, Linda Bollea.
Hogan said the show was “lightly scripted,” though he admitted the family would shoot scenes “two or three times.”
“If we missed a point… producers would tell us exactly what to say until they get what they wanted,” he said. “It was lightly scripted but they’d actually tell us what to say.”
Hogan said he was in character for the show, playing Hulk Hogan.
The series ran from 2005 to 2007 on VH1. It prompted a shortly-lived spinoff, “Brooke Knows Best,” featuring Hogan’s daughter, that ran from 2008 to 2009.