How serving in the Marine Corps helped prepare Rob Riggle for Hollywood

Rob Riggle poses at a press line for "Let's Be Cops" during the 2014 Comic-Con International Convention in San Diego, California July 25, 2014. (Reuters)

Rob Riggle is known for his roles in "The Hangover," "Step Brothers," "Dumb & Dumber," and countless of other characters in movies and TV shows.

But before the 47-year-old made his mark in Hollywood, Riggle served in the Marine Corps for 23 years.

"All that time in the Marines definitely made me ready [for Hollywood]," Riggle told Fox News.

The actor spent nine years in active duty followed by 14 in the reserves.

Actor and comedian Rob Riggle speaks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina July 26, 2016. (REUTERS)

"Coming from the Marine Corps, you definitely get a thick skin, you definitely learn how to deal with adversity and you definitely learn how to overcome things," he said.

Riggle added, "If you're going to plan on having a life in Hollywood, you better get used to adversity, you better get used to being talked to in a very direct manner and you better get used to picking yourself up and dusting yourself off.

Riggle, who recently teamed up with Holiday Inn Express' Readiest campaign, told us his time in the Marines and his success in Hollywood has made him proud to be an American.

"[America gives you] a chance to pursue whatever dream you might have," Riggle said. "I wanted to serve my country, so I did. That was one dream fulfilled. I wanted to pursue comedy and acting. I did, that's another dream fulfilled. I wanted to have a house and children, those are other dreams I had [and] I did that."

Riggle said, "You can pursue your dreams if you've got the ambition and the drive and determination, you can do whatever you want in this country."