How much plastic surgery would you get if it was free? 'Plastic Wives' posits: a lot


If you thought the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” was TV’s ultimate destination for trout pouts, frozen faces, and double-D boob jobs, wait until you see ‘Plastic Wives.’

On Sunday, TLC unveiled the new show starring four women – Veronica Matlock, Dayna Devon, Alana Sands and Frances Marques – who all happen to be married to successful Los Angeles plastic surgeons. Consequently, viewers get to hear all about their multiple, free-of-charge procedures, including breast augmentations (Marques, four times; Matlock, only three), lip plumps, and nips and tucks we just don’t even want to mention. Let’s just say one of the docs is a gynecological plastic surgeon, and leave it at that.

“This show is like ‘Jersey Shore’ meets ‘Honey Boo Boo’ meets ‘Dr. 90210.’ Plastic surgery over-achievers on parade may grab attention, through few will find this appealing beyond sound bites and shock value,” double board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Rich Castellano, MD and author of ‘We Guarantee We Can Make You Look Younger,’ told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Most people want to fight aging and correct deformities with treatments that look natural so no one can tell they’ve had surgery. The cast in this show want to fight each other for attention and camera time. If you leave a kid alone in a candy shop, they will make themselves sick. If you leave a Beverly Hillian alone in a plastic surgeons office for too long, they too will make themselves sick.”

The “Plastic Wives” do seem quite proud of their obviously pumped and prodded appearances, and seek to show off their life partners’ precision for procedures. But at what point does one realize that the puffy, plastic-y, circus-like look just isn’t desirable beyond Rodeo Drive?

“Many women who have that much plastic surgery lose sight of how they really look. They have distorted views of themselves; so they do not realize that they begin to look unnatural, or like a clown,” said Los Angeles-based psychotherapist, Stacy Kaiser. “It’s a sign of unhappiness within. They aren’t really comfortable with how they look and feel so they turn to plastic surgery as the answer.”

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Board Certified Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, co-host of CBS’s “The Doctors” and author of “Better in 7,” reiterated that good plastic surgery is natural and “not obvious that something was done.”

“Once you cross that line, you have abused your talents and judgment. ‘Plastic Wives’ is a TV show. It’s trying to entertain, but is it an accurate portrayal of realistic goals and results? Probably not,” he surmised. “But remember, this is Hollywood. All bets are off. People have the time and money and refuse to age. Why do these women do it? Because they can.”

According to Castellano, “when you live in outer space, you can no longer tell which way is up or down.”

“These people are so far out from the rest of the world; the word ‘normal’ doesn’t have meaning anymore. These plastic surgery wives show that pushing the limits of plastic surgery can make you look alien,” he said.

Extreme and very noticeable trims, tucks and a taut or two can also represent a sign of wealth, or in Castellano’s words, an odd “badge of honor or status symbol.” But he said the show will probably “scare most people.”

“What can be more insincere than plastic appearances, exhibitionism, and reality celebs? It will inspire those with low self-esteem who like to show off and give them ideas on how to over-modify their bodies and shock their family and friends,” he lamented.

Dr. Chiu – the force behind the famed Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc. – argued that the show isn’t so much an example of plastic surgery gone too far, but more so the dark side of human behavior.

“Like all doctors, we counsel our patients as to what is the norm. When their ideals go beyond borderlines and they are not responding to the counseling, we have to say ‘no.’ While this is not the case for most patients, there is a small percentage of patients who are unrealistic,” he said. “With wives of cosmetic surgeons, there may be a greater percentage (who have over-the-top ideals) due to their accessibility.”

And while Chiu’s wife Christine – who also works for the bustling Beverly Hills business – doesn’t indulge her every whim by going under the knife, she can relate to the cast’s pressure to appear picture perfect to the outside world.

“I can understand the casualness and nonchalance in the way procedures were discussed and performed on the show. After all, Botox, breast augmentation, anything-plasty is really simply a part of our daily vocabulary,” she said, and agreed with “Plastic Wives” star Dayna Devon, who said that a plastic surgeon’s wife is his best advertisement.

“One should be able to understand that particular surgeon’s beauty aesthetic, philosophy and even surgical skills by examining his wife,” she said. “Consequently, many wives do feel an increased pressure to look her best – always. However, there are many other facets to maintaining youth. I’ve personally wanted liposuction of my inner thighs for the longest time, but my husband just tells me to ‘hit the gym.’”

A rep for “Plastic Wives” declined to comment.

“Plastic Wives” airs on TLC Sunday at 10.00pm ET.