Matt Damon's latest film "Elysium" stars the actor as Max, a dying factory worker in a futuristic, dystopian Earth. In order to get the medical help he needs, Max fights his way aboard a high-class space colony called Elysium, where only the wealthiest citizens can afford to live.
It was a physically demanding role, so naturally, one of the more crucial aspects of Damon's character was his physique. Speaking with People magazine, the actor explained how he got in shape for the film — a process he found especially trying. "It was really hard because I love to eat and drink!" he said. "It's very hard to motivate me to get in shape."
Damon has never been one to shy away from altering his physical appearance. He once dropped 40 pounds in a three-month time span for his role in the 1996 film "Courage Under Fire." For 2009's "The Informant," he tacked on an extra 40.
This time around, however, it was all about the workout. In addition to a special diet, Damon hit the gym for four hours each day, lifting weights and doing cardio.
At the end of the day, Damon told People that his hard work had paid off. After seeing photos of his "Elysium" character Max, Damon says he remarked, "Okay, this is definitely worth it."