Halsey says she was shot with a rubber bullet while at a George Floyd protest

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Halsey said she was hit by a rubber bullet while protesting the death of George Floyd in Los Angeles on Saturday. 

The singer, 25, shared several videos on Twitter in which she films as police attempt to disperse crowds of people protesting using tear gas and rubber bullets.

In a post on her Instagram Story, the singer shared a bruise on her body she said she got from a rubber bullet. 


"This hit me through layers of fabric and for that, I am extremely privileged," she wrote (via Stereogum). "At close range it would have caused serious injury." 

She added: "They were fired at peoples’ faces during peaceful moments of the demonstration. If you’re a follower of mine who ‘stays out of it’ but you’re mad I have a little bruise for doing nothing unlawful, than consider you ARE on our side. Because the reality of what happens to black folks everyday is worse than my bruise. So get involved. Sign. Donate. Share links. Do something." 

Halsey revealed she was shot with a rubber bullet while at a protest for George Floyd. (Christopher Smith/Invision/AP)

She continued to update fans on what she experienced at the protest on Twitter, sharing a collection of photos of police in riot gear. 

"Fired rubber bullets at us. We did not breach the line. Hands were up. Unmoving. And they gassed and fired," she wrote

She later tweeted to let her followers know that she was not arrested and remains safe despite the altercation.

"I WAS NOT ARRESTED. Im safe. There were ppl I had to get to safety as many of them have VISAs. Myself + many of my peers were shot, gassed + antagonized. The frontline was calm + did not provoke BUT MANY ARE NOT SAFE + MANY ARE IN CUSTODY," she wrote. "DONATE TO BAIL ORGS!!! I AM CURRENTLY."

On Sunday, she took to Twitter again to explain to her followers that the use of rubber bullets is not as low-stakes as they may think.


"do not underplay these rubber bullets bc you have been told they are ‘not lethal’. I had to bandage a man who looked like his entire face had exploded today," she wrote. "So before you say, from the comfort of your home, that we’re exaggerating, please consider the injuries some have suffered."

Across the country, people have been protesting against police brutality, specifically against the black community, in the wake of a shocking video that shows Floyd being taken into custody in Minneapolis by an officer who places his knee on his neck. In the footage, Floyd, 46, shouts "I cannot breathe" and "Don’t kill me," before losing consciousness. He was later pronounced dead.

Officer Derek Chauvin was later charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in his death.


The incident originally sparked peaceful protests, but many have turned violent amid clashes between demonstrators and law enforcement. Curfews have been implemented in cities throughout the U.S., with the National Guard being called in amid fires, vandalism and looting.