Gwen Stefani pledges full support should one of her sons be gay

November 22, 2015. Singer Gwen Stefani arrives at the 2015 American Music Awards in Los Angeles, California. (Reuters)

Gwen Stefani has no doubt she'd be totally accepting of a gay son.

In a new interview with ETonline contributor Chris Azzopardi for PrideSource, the mother-of-three pledged full support should one of her sons -- Kingston, 9, Zuma, 7, and Apollo, 2 -- come out to her as LGBT one day.

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"I would be blessed with a gay son," she said. "I just want my boys to be happy and healthy, and I just ask God to guide me every day to be a good mother because it is not an easy job."

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For the 46-year-old, her top priority as a mother is "to be the most supportive mom that I can be."

Who knows whether she'll end up with a gay son, but regardless, it seems Stefani is already planning ahead. "I always ask my gay friends, 'OK, so what was it like when you were a little boy?,'" she said.