Goats for the Old Goat

From the website:

Goats For The Old Goat began as Ellen Ratner was preparing for her 60th birthday. Although Ellen can’t believe it, she is in fact an “old goat.” Birthdays are a big deal in Ellen’s family but she did not want presents. Because of her work in Southern Sudan (a part of which was recently called “the hungriest place on earth”) she wanted her friends and others to contribute money for goats, so that people would be able eat and children would not have a lifetime legacy of malnutrition.

Goats can graze easily on the grasses of Southern Sudan. They provide milk (up to a liter a day) and cheese. She goats multiply. Goats are used for food and their dung is used as fertilizer. By pooling resources, neighbors can begin micro-businesses as small dairies.

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