George Zimmmerman reportedly threatens Jay-Z, prompts Snoop Dogg response

George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin, is reportedly feuding with two rap stars after reportedly threatening Jay-Z over an upcoming documentary.

The Blast, a celebrity gossip site, reported that Zimmerman said he would feed Jay-Z to an “alligator” over a production team harassing his family in Florida. The site reported that Jay-Z is producing a documentary on the 2012 killing.

“I know how to handle people who f---k with me,” he reportedly told the site. “I have since February 2012.”

Zimmerman reportedly did not go into details about the alleged harassment, but the threat prompted Snoop Dogg to post on Instagram, “If one hair on Jays hair is touched that’s when the revolution will b (sic) televised.”

Zimmerman was cleared of all charges in the shooting of Martin, the unarmed black teenager whose killing unleashed furious debate across the U.S. over racial profiling, self-defense and equal justice.

Zimmerman could have been convicted of second-degree murder or manslaughter. But the jury of six women, all but one of them white, reached a verdict of not guilty.

Prosecutors called Zimmerman a liar and portrayed him was a "wannabe cop" vigilante who had grown frustrated by break-ins in his neighborhood committed primarily by young black men. Zimmerman assumed Martin was up to no good and took the law into his own hands, prosecutors said.

The Blast’s report said that the documentary was going to be based off the Lisa Bloom book called, “Suspicious Nation.” The Weinstein Company was going to make the movie with Jay-Z, the report said.

The movie’s fate is unclear after the Weinstein sex scandal, the report said.