Frank Sinatra wanted to protect Mia Farrow from Woody Allen drama, new book claims

Frank Sinatra, left, is shown alongside Woody Allen, center, and Mia Farrow. (AP)

Frank Sinatra was supposedly looking out for Mia Farrow when she was embroiled in a long custody battle with Woody Allen in the early 90’s after his relationship with Soon-Yi was discovered.

In his new book, “Taking the Stand,” high-powered lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who represented Farrow in her case, reveals that Sinatra personally called him to offer his help.

Dershowitz writes of Sinatra’s call, “He immediately got down to business. ‘I love Mia. We were married, you know. She’s a great girl. Woody’s trying to bully her. He can’t be allowed to get away with that. What can I do to help?”

Dershowitz says he responded that he had it under control, to which Sinatra added, “Well, beyond the legal case, what can I do to call Woody off?”

Aware of Sinatra’s tough-guy reputation, Dershowitz says, “I nervously told him to leave it to the lawyers, and that any approach to Woody Allen would be used against Mia and would likely backfire.”

Click here for more on the story from the New York Post.