Fox Sports' Charissa Thompson's nude photos hacked, leaked online

FOX Network commentator Charissa Thompson reports during an opening night event Monday, Jan. 30, 2017 before the NFL football Super Bowl LI game in Houston. (Al Messerschmidt via AP)

Fox Sports host Charissa Thomas' private photos were hacked and leaked online.

Thompson's lawyer Andrew Brettler told Fox News his client will take "every appropriate step" to seek justice.

(Charissa Thompson's private photos were hacked and leaked online.)

"We're working with [the Los Angeles District Attorney] hand-in-hand," Brettler told Fox News. "I think that it's important that the responsible individual or individuals are held accountable for this because it's a disgusting invasion of my client's privacy rights."

The Los Angeles District Attorney's office confirmed to Fox News "case has been presented to us for investigation."

The 35-year-old is the latest star to have nude photos leaked online. Lindsey Vonn, Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart and many more have been victims of nude photo hackings.

Thompson is known as the host of "Ultimate Beastmaster" and for her work on "Extra."