EXCLUSIVE: Spencer Pratt Says Overexposed Kim Kardashian 'Should Just Disappear'

Kim Kardashian and Speidi. (Reuters)

Spencer Pratt, the male half of the reality couple Speidi with his wife Heidi Montag, knows something about overexposure.

So when he tells FOX411 that Kim Kardashian is heading down his and Heidi's well-worn path, she might want to listen.

“Kim has totally lost the plot. She should have kept up her good girl act and image. Now we are seeing her whine about all those naked magazine covers and then doing a raunchy Skechers ad. That makes her a hypocrite,” Pratt told Fox411. “She had better be careful. The people who buy her products aren’t guys, they are girls, and girls don’t want to see Kim naked during the Super Bowl.”

Pratt warns that the only way to stay relevant in Hollywood is to stay likable, something he and Heidi didn’t do enough of, and something Kardashian has seemingly stopped caring about.

Kardashian’s Skechers Shapeups ad, which first aired on Sunday night, features the reality star in a skimpy outfit in a compromising position with a male trainer and included several close-ups of her rear end. The ad came mere weeks after Kardashian complained that her naked W magazine cover upset her because it crossed the line into porn.

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In the past two weeks Kardashian, has also refused to dance onstage with the iconic performer Prince, and opened an outpost of her family’s DASH boutique in Soho that is little more than a glorified gift shop for Kardashian merchandise.

“The store doesn't feel much like a store. It feels like a set for a show. The inventory is sparse and the mood less than service-oriented," fashion writer Lisa Marsh wrote on StyleList.com. "There wasn't anything I wanted to buy, and I had a hard time picturing others making a bee-line for the goods, too."

Her traction on celebrity magazines and websites is also diminishing as Kardashian amps up her diva behavior.

“The whole world according to Kim Kardashian is starting to come crashing down. Her allure and appeal has become a dull luster at best. I think that the civilians have finally caught on her game and realized that everything about her is fake,” says Jay Grdina, Owner/CEO of the celebrity website Kikster.com. “Kim's traffic on our site isn't 30 percent of what it was a year ago, and I really think its a direct result of her massive over exposure and the fact that her constant crying about her own actions is getting old.”

And while Kardashian is still one of the top most influential celebrities on Twitter with more than 6 million followers, she risks turning off her followers as she becomes more and more of a product peddler on the social media site.

“One of the main reasons people stop following brands is that they post or tweet too frequently." aid Matt Ballek, a digital strategist with the Chicago based Colossal Squid Industries, a digital advertising firm. "She is in danger of having too many product endorsements at which point people will choose to unfollow and stop keeping up with the Kardashian."

Pratt’s advice?

“She should just disappear,” Pratt said. “We saw the public reaction when we were overexposed and we took ourselves out of the equation. Kim needs to do that before she puts the nail in her coffin.”

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