'Real Housewives of D.C.' castmates Cat Ommaney and Michaele Salahi
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any lower…
Last month, “Real Housewives of Washington D.C.” star and so-called “White House Party Crasher” Michaele Salahi revealed exclusively on “Fox & Friends” that she has been suffering from Multiple Sclerosis for 17 years, attributing her extremely thin appearance to her battle with the disease.
But her reality show co-star and fellow spotlight-seeker Cat Ommanney seemed to doubt such claims.
“We were wondering whether she meant BS rather than MS. MS is a very serious disease and I wouldn’t want to mock that, it just seems ironic. Every day they seem to wake up in bed with each other and say ‘what kind of stunt shall we pull today?’ I don’t know if it is all truthful, or if it's a cry wolf situation,” Ommanney told Pop Tarts.
Pot, meet kettle.
But Ommanney was hardly the only critic of Salahi’s decision to reveal her battle on national television. Snarky style guru Tim Gunn also doubted Salahi’s emotional MS revelation during a recent interview with Access Hollywood, while other blogs and news articles immediately questioned whether or not she was calling bluff.
Nonetheless, a legal representative for Salahi said that her doctor has confirmed that she does have MS, as have her family members who have been aware of the medical condition for years.
Salahi was also deeply upset about claims she is being untruthful.
“I choose Fox Network to disclose my personal 17 year challenge with Multiple Sclerosis as a network that I respect. Mrs. Diane Dimond (author of the Salahi’s tell-all “Cirque Du Salahi”) interviewed my nurse and doctor at length. My attorney Lisa Bloom is also authorized to talk to my doctor anytime. My doctor is focusing on saving lives and helping those live that have illnesses in their lives. My doctor cannot focus on my co-stars obsessive and destructive behavior. My doctor focuses on real life drama, not drama found on entertainment shows,” she told us in a statement.
“I have always had great hope and belief for humanity, and whoever that cast member is, she is not the example of what humanity really is. There are more good people in life that care for one another, and that is what I hope to do with my MS and help others in life and motivate others to stay strong. As you know depression and suicide is a very big part of dealing with MS, and shame on my cast mates for only trying to hurt others.”
But apparently this conflict is nothing compared to what goes down in the season’s final episode, which airs this Thursday, in which Ommanney and the “D.C.” cast finally confront the Salahi’s about their White House incident, where they turned up to the 2009 U.S. State Dinner and greeted the President, reportedly without an invitation.
“I just watched it (the season finale) for the third time – but if I was an investigator I would have watched it one hundred times. I think I did well to hold on for four months of filming before I really told her what I thought, it’s pretty heated, and as Whoopi Goldberg would say, I use some ‘choice words,’” Ommanney continued. “She (Michaele) did the typical thing of running away and saying ‘I have never been exposed to people like you before, you are so abusive… blah blah.’ But I say to them what millions of Americans would like to say to them, so perhaps that’s what my reason for being on the show was for.”
As a result of the Salahi’s actions, Ommanney (who’s now ex-husband Charles, was a political photographer) was officially “uninvited” from the White House – a phone call she describes as “mortifying.”
“It was certainly nothing to be proud of, being associated with them (the Salahi’s). I was obviously very upset that I had waited two years to meet the President and that I had brought my daughters to America (from England) to support my husband’s career and the new administration this was going to be the highlight of my year – but the fact that their little stunt pulled the rug out from underneath me certainly didn’t leave me too happy as you can imagine,” she said.
And even though rumor has it that the Salahi couple will not be asked to return for a second season of the hit Bravo installment should it be renewed for a second season, Ommanney said she would only consider coming back if it was made 100 percent certain they were not involved.
“The Salahi’s really sucked me dry. Try hanging out with them longer than a couple of hours and it will suck the living daylights out of you. I’ve never known anyone like them in my life, they were such a trip – I couldn’t believe they could be so full of s**t and that’s a fact and everyone knows that now,” she added.
“I would think about doing a second season, but I definitely wouldn’t if they were involved, nothing in life is worth that kind of detriment to my soul," Ommanney said. "Overall it has been a great experience, but it has been exhausting. My marriage has obviously been falling apart at the same time, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
Deidre Behar contributed to this report.