Emily Maynard (X17 Online)
Let’s face it. The odds of going on “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette” and getting married are not good.
Even if you win.
After 16 seasons of the original series and eight of its female-led spin-off, only two couples have actually walked down the aisle. Only Trista Rehn really married the guy she picked given that, technically, Jason Mesnick didn’t even give his future bride Molly Malaney the final rose on the show — he had to break his first reality TV fiancée’s heart on national TV to get back on the road to true love.
SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the Best "Bachelor" and "Bachelorette" Couples.
The “Bachelorette” hasn’t produced a long-lasting union since Season 1. After a brief engagement to “Bachelor” #15 — Brad Womack — Emily Maynard found herself in the coveted rose-giving spot. Her chosen suitor, Jef Holm, was financially stable, ready to take on the role of dad to her daughter Ricki and head-over-heels in love with her.
A wedding seemed to be imminent!
But now come reports that the couple has split. It’s too bad. Everyone was really rooting for the lovebirds, who were among the fans’ favorites over the years.
PHOTOS: See the latest celebrity pictures to hit the Internet.
Who do you think was the best 'Bachelor' or 'Bachelorette' couple?