
Elizabeth Gorcey isn’t kicking off her Sunday shoes lately, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

The actress, best known for starring in 1984’s “Footloose” and 1985’s “Teen Wolf,” has happily settled into her favorite role as hands-on mom to 11-year-old Olivia.

The mother-daughter team has recently unveiled a new children’s book, titled “Read, Read, and Read,” which they hope will inspire parents and children to put technology on hold and spend more time together.


Gorcey and Olivia may be busy working on their book series, but that doesn’t mean the ‘80s star hasn’t looked back at her Hollywood career. In fact, she enjoys reminiscing and is all too willing to spill some secrets along the way.

Gorcey spoke to Fox News about appearing in two cult classics.

Fox News: As an actress, how did you find that balance of being a hands-on mom while pursuing a high-profile career?
Elizabeth Gorcey: I haven’t really pursued it at all for years and years. It really does feel like another lifetime. Acting was great. It was so much fun. "Footloose" was my second film and it was such an exciting project for me. I would go on to do a bunch of other things, but at this point in my life, I’m not pursuing acting.

Fox News: Do you see yourself pursuing any future roles?
Gorcey: I would say if I do, it would probably be something I wrote myself. And either have a hand in producing or directing. So, it’s something that would be tailored, something I would enjoy doing.

Fox News: Many fans still remember you from "Footloose." How did you get the role of Wendy Jo?
Gorcey: I went back I think five times to audition. I was originally up for the role of Ariel, the lead role. And the last time I went, we got screen-tested with myself and Lori Singer. She got the role of Ariel and they offered me the role of Wendy Jo. I said 'No, I don’t want to do it.' I had gone five times and I guess I had a little bit of an attitude. Like I should have gotten the role of Ariel. I’m not doing this small role! Forget it.

My agent was like "This is Herbert Ross. Are you kidding me?" So I ended up doing it. And the moment I got to set, they cut my hair! I had long, long hair and they trimmed it for the role. Herbert was an absolute no-nonsense guy and to the point.

Fox News: What surprised you the most about Kevin Bacon?
Gorcey: I don’t know if anything surprised me. What I love about Kevin is he's just a really good guy. He's very real and not Hollywood at all.

Fox News: And what about Sarah Jessica Parker?
Gorcey: She was fun. We got into a lot of mischievous things on the set. We would trade clothes and just hang out.

Fox News: What are some fun facts about the film that would surprise fans today?
Gorcey: Originally, Tracy Nelson was going to play the part of Sarah Jessica Parker. And after I guess five, six days, they released her. She just had a lot of things going on personally. That was a big upset for me because I really, really liked her. I can’t give names, but somebody lost their virginity on set. Not myself! But one of the other actresses.

We were not welcomed in Utah by any means because we were a group of Hollywood people who smoked and drank coffee. And they didn’t do that. It was not a welcoming place. Normally when I did a film, the locals were very excited that you were even there and invite you for tea or something. This was not the case.

They would actually close the doors instead of opening anything for us. But we got to enjoy a nice big party when we started filming and another when we ended. And I think we were just all on the same page of intention to create a really good film.

Kevin Bacon worked alongside Elizabeth Gorcey in "Footloose."

Kevin Bacon worked alongside Elizabeth Gorcey in "Footloose." (Reuters)

Fox News: Do you stay in touch with any of your former castmates?
Gorcey: Not recently, but I have seen some of them at events and things like that. And then we definitely catch up.

Fox News: You were also in "Teen Wolf." What was your experience like working with Michael J. Fox?
Gorcey: Michael was very high-energy and a lot of fun as well… He’s also just one of those real guys and not Hollywood. You could actually sit down with him and have a chat. I just remember him being high-energy all the time. And I love the attention he’s bringing to Parkinson’s disease. I think it’s wonderful.

Fox News: What do you make of the fact that the film is an ‘80s cult classic?
Gorcey: Gosh, I didn’t even realize that. That was done on such a low, low budget. That’s pretty cool!

Fox News: You are in the editing phase of a documentary titled "How Old is Old?" What was the most important life lesson you learned from Doris Roberts, who appeared in the film before her death in 2016?

Gorcey: Doris never stopped learning. She was in the same MasterClass that I was in with Milton Katselas, which focused on acting and writing. She would come every single Saturday. This is a woman who didn’t need lessons. She was a star on television. But she was always yearning to learn more. That was the biggest thing I got from her. You can always learn something new in life.

Fox News: The documentary also features Tony Curtis, Tony Bennett and Judge Judy. What are some of the lessons that you learned from them?
Gorcey: Judge Judy, she was no-nonsense. You can call her a truth-seeker. She will call it like it is. Tony Bennett is a walking piece of art who defies aging. He’s a wonderful drawer and he’s always asking himself what it means to be an artist. The biggest lesson I learned from him is to keep pursuing your art. Tony Curtis, he lived a wild life, so there was one lesson to learn from there —enjoy life.

Fox News: How did you and your 11-year-old come up with the idea to write a children’s book?
Gorcey: Basically, when she was maybe not even 3 years old, we were driving in heavy traffic. It was just her and I in the car. And I was making all these noises, like ugh. And from the backseat, I hear "This is silly!" And I’m going, what is she talking about? She looks out the window and she goes, "Look at those beautiful roses. I’d like to smell those." Then she turns back to me and goes, "You need to enjoy."

I was just like, "Oh my gosh, where did you come from?" I couldn’t even respond to that. And then she kept coming up with little sayings that I called Livisms. That’s how it started… Reading is one of my daughter’s favorite things and as she would say, "Books can transport you and teach you things."