Dina Lohan: Lindsay is 'screwed up' because she saw Michael Lohan abuse me

Lindsay Lohan poses with her mother Dina and sister Aliana at premiere of "Just My Luck" in Los Angeles. (Reuters)

Dina Lohan is admitting that Lindsay Lohan is “screwed up,” but it’s not Lindsay’s fault, her mom insists.

In a dramatic new interview with The New York Daily News, the mother of four came forward with harsh allegations against her ex-husband Michael Lohan, saying their relationship was plagued with cheating, abuse and even rape.

Michael quickly denied the allegations when the Daily News reached out to him for comment, but Dina insists they are true, and she said she has medical records and police reports to prove it.

“She saw a lot of crazy stuff. I want the world to know the root of her problems,” said the troubled star’s mother.

“Michael beat the hell out of me,” Dina said, referencing a specific incident in 1986 when she sported a black eye in a picture of her with baby Lindsay.

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“When Lindsay saw the photo, she was furious,” Dina said. “She said, ‘Tell the world! Talk about it!’ ”

Dina claims she got the bruise on the way back from dinner with a volatile Michael. Lindsay’s father claims Dina attacked him first when he got home from a boys night out.

Dina added that the abuse continued throughout their 22-year on-again-off-again relationship, alleging at one point Michael raped her in parents home while the children were sleeping. They were separated at the time, she said.

Michael told the Daily News he recalled the events much differently, and that Dina initiated the sexual encounter.

She added that much of the abuse was fueled by her ex-husband’s drug addiction.

“Michael was addicted to cocaine, like most stockbrokers back then. He had a lot of bad stuff going on,” Dina said.

She added that she stayed in the troubled marriage for their children.

“Lindsay saw all the beatings and all the abuse. She said, ‘Stay, mommy, don’t leave,’” said Dina, adding that the “Mean Girls” actress recently apologized. “She said, ‘I’m so sorry for making you stay.’ But I didn’t stay for Lindsay — I wanted all my kids to be happy,” said Dina.

Lindsay was recently spotted partying in London until 5 a.m., according to TMZ.

She  is due in criminal court today to face assault charges in connection with a Nov. 29 fight at a Manhattan nightclub.