Demi Lovato dedicates 'Warrior' song to Bruce Jenner during New Zealand concert


Demi Lovato offered her praises to former Olympian gold medalist Bruce Jenner after he opened up about his intention to transition into a woman.

The singer, who finished up the Australian/New Zealand leg of her international tour, spoke out in support of Jenner, dedicating her track “Warrior” on stage from Auckland, New Zealand.

She called Jenner, 65, “an American hero.”

“I just want to dedicate it to someone who became an even bigger hero last night – Bruce Jenner!” she told the crowd. “By the way, I never thought I’d ever dedicate a song to him. But he was honest and he was open with his story. No matter if you agree with it or not, he probably saved so many lives and educated so many people (about) transitioning into being a woman and being transgender and what that’s all about. So, year, I just want to dedicate it to Bruce Jenner.”

Before launching into the song, she added: “By the way, he looked fabulous last night. I can totally picture him with a martini glass and like whipping his hair back and forth.”

In a two-hour interview with ABC News’ Diane Sawyer that was televised Friday, Jenner literally let his hair down and revealed: “Yes, for all intents and purposes, I am a woman.”

“My whole life has been getting me ready for this,” he said. “It’s not just the last few years as they’ve been treating me as a joke.”

Lovato was not the only celeb to offer her support for Jenner.

Fellow singer Jennifer Lopez tweeted: “Once a champion always a champion,” while Ricky Martin thanked Jenner.

“Your testimony will make this world a better place,” he tweeted on Friday.

On Monday, stepdaughter Kim Kardashian said on NBC's "Today" that she and her family support Jenner 100 percent, even though family members are still adjusting to that news in what she called "a daily process."

She congratulated him for his ability to be his "true self." She said she is happy that he is living his life the way he wants to live it.

She said, "It's not something that you or I could fully understand, but I don't even think we have to."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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