Dave Ramsey's Smart Money Tour is coming to Phoenix, Arizona on November 7, 2017.
CLICK HERE to access the LIVE STREAM of the event for $24.99.
Visit DAVERAMSEY.COM for more information.
From the website:
What is the Smart Money Tour?
The Smart Money Tour will give you Dave Ramsey’s 7-step proven plan for dumping debt and building wealth. You’ll leave with a clear vision for your family’s financial future. We know what you’re thinking . . .
I’ve had it.
If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck and wondering where your money is going, Smart Money is where you’ll get the answers. You’ll get the basics of budgeting, why it works, and how to apply to everyday life.
I get it.
If you know Dave’s principles but you’re having trouble putting them into practice, Smart Money will give you the extra motivation you need. Reset the plan for your family and get back on track!
I got it.
If you’re already seeing success with the 7 Baby Steps, Smart Money will keep you encouraged and ensure you continue down the right path.
There’s so much more to life than fighting to pay the bills. Experience the plan that has helped millions of people around the world get and stay out of debt and retire with dignity. It’s time to break the cycle. It’s time to live more and worry less.