Dave Mustaine's daughter Electra looks to make a name for herself in country music

18-year-old singer-songwriter Electra Mustaine is starting her country music career. She recently released her debut single called “Life is Good.” The daughter of Megadeth lead singer Dave Mustaine spoke with FOX411 Country about why she chose country over heavy metal and what advice her famous dad have for her.

FOX411 Country: Why country music and not heavy metal?
Electra Mustaine: I think to each his own and my dad and I both grew up very differently. He had a very different upbringing than I did and he got into different things and I got into different things…But I think the first time I turned on country music I was finally old enough to sit in the front seat of the car and control the radio so I turned it on I heard this song “All My Friends Say” and I was like this is really cool I actually like this and then I got into Dolly, and Carrie Underwood, and Shania Twain and it all spiraled from there.

FOX411 Country: So when did you start songwriting?
Mustaine: I wrote my first song when I was 15. So 2013 in Nashville.

FOX411 Country: Did your father offer you any advice?
Mustaine: I was very fortunate to have grown up with my him as my father and in the household because he’s done a lot, had a lot of platinum records, awards…He’s offered me just invaluable advice about…how the business works and things to look out for, things to make sure you pay attention with, and then songwriting. It was funny because when I first came to Nashville, my first song I wrote, we wrote in an hour and to this day he’ll tell you, “I can’t believe in country music they write songs so fast it takes me like a month!”

FOX411 Country: How would you describe your sound? Pop country? Traditional?
Mustaine: Well, I think today with the millennials we’re listening to all different genres and there isn’t really a barrier anymore. Because, you know, back in the old days if you listened to rock you only listened to rock or you only listened to one genre and now it’s all kind of morphing and I think that’s what makes new artists’ music so unique…there isn’t really a specific one label you can put on it there’s all sorts of… you can consider it pop, you can consider it country, you can consider it soul, all this different stuff, and it’s all what makes it unique.

FOX411 Country: Some of your music videos were filmed on your farm.
Mustaine: The music video that I filmed for “I Thought I Knew It All” was originally a Megadeth song and we thought it would be cool to say thanks to Megadeth fans for supporting our family and helping me be able to do what I love --  country music.

FOX411 Country: We hear you might be filming a reality show too?
Mustaine: We wanted to kind of expand and share a little bit of our personal [lives] with the world. So we did film a pilot for a reality show and we got very busy. So we are all kind of in the mix of me launching my career and my dad with his great album that came out so we’re just kind of focusing on things that are like…we gotta do this first and then we’ll go from there and see what happens with the reality show. We don’t know but we’ll see.