CNN's David Axelrod calls Trump's presser 'North Korean': Maybe he's 'hanging with Kim Jong Un' too much

CNN commentator David Axelrod slammed President Trump's presser on Thursday, calling it "North Korean" and suggested he was "hanging with Kim Jong Un too much."

Trump refuted claims made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, who said the president threw a "temper tantrum" at Wednesday's meeting at the White House where they were supposed to negotiate on infrastructure. He called on several members of the White House staff, including WH Counselor Kellyanne Conway, WH Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow, all insisted that the president was calm during the meeting with Democratic lawmakers.

Axelrod mocked the president by saying he didn't look like as, Trump repeatedly calls himself, a "stable genius" when he had his staffers "march out" to defend him and insisted Speaker Pelosi "has him tied in knots."

CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger piled on Trump, saying his interaction with his staff at the presser was like "Dear Leader" and was "absurd to watch."


Axelrod agreed with her sentiment and elaborated.

"It's all very North Korean. Even calling himself an 'extremely, extremely stable genius.' Maybe he's just been hanging around with Kim Jong Un too much," the former Obama advisor told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "But the look is very, very bad. And right now, he just looks flustered. I'm sure they're gonna try to figure out a way to pull out of this because it is damaging to him."

He added, "Pelosi is gonna keep pushing those buttons and my guess is he'll respond in Pavlovian fashion."

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