Cindy Crawford talks nude photo regrets: I 'got talked into' some racy pics

Cindy Crawford poses on the cover of the May 2018 issue of Town & Country. (Victor Demarchelier, Town & Country)

Iconic '90s model and mother to budding fashion superstars Kaia and Presely Gerber, Cindy Crawford recently looked back at her time in the industry spotlight and recalled some of the things she regrets.

“I’ve done nude photos, lots. The only ones I regretted were the ones that I kind of got talked into," Crawford told Town & Country in the May issue of the magazine.

(Victor Demarchelier, Town & Country)

"I don’t want my children to ever look back and think, ‘Gosh, I wish I hadn’t done that.’ I want to empower them to just say, ‘I’m outta here.’”

The “model matriarch" opened up about her kids starting to make a name for themselves in the industry and how she parents as both a mother and experienced model.

“I’m really lucky, because I don’t have a #MeToo story," Crawford said. "As far as being a mother of two young people going into fashion, of course I worry. But let’s be honest. My kids are blessed in that business because they aren’t coming in as unknowns. People will know I will come after them if they mess with my kids.”

(Victor Demarchelier, Town & Country)

And in a world where #MeToo and Time's Up movements, inspired by abuse of power in the industry, are the current climate, the 52-year-old admitted that it is hard to raise kids to have good morals saying, "Kids don’t always listen, but they are always watching what you do."

So the best thing a mother can do? Lead by example.

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"If you’re polite to people, they learn to be polite. If you make family time a priority, they don’t even question spending time together. …You lead by example," Crawford explained.

But as a mother before model, Crawford says she maintains a close relationship with her kids, especially with her daughter Kaia, who has taken the fashion industry by storm. The 16-year-old recently made headlines after walking in more than 22 shows during the Fashion Week season.

"We talk every day, at least, and text," Crawford said. "If she doesn’t text me back within 15 minutes, I do one in all caps and a lot of exclamation points. Just respond, okay? Or else I’m going to track you through your Uber account.”

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