Christian singer Lacey Sturm: God saved me from suicide

Christian singer and former Flyleaf frontwoman Lacey Sturm opened up about her difficult past Tuesday, saying she was planning to commit suicide when she had an encounter with God that saved her life.

Sturm spoke to Fox News' Lauren Green about her experiences.

"When I was ten-years-old, my cousin, who was about three at the time, was beaten to death by his stepfather," Sturm said. "My mother always talked to me about God, but at the time I just remember thinking I couldn't reconcile how God could allow something like that to happen."

Over time, Sturm said she began to see herself as an Atheist and was resentful toward Christians.

"I realize now I was actually searching for something that was true. I didn't find anything solid, anybody's faith that I saw from the outside," Sturm said. "In that moment, the day that I had planned to commit suicide, I realized this encounter with God was so much more real than anything that I'd ever heard from anyone."

Sturm left the band Flyleaf in 2012 to start a family. She now has two children and is working on a solo album. Her book, "The Reason: How I Discovered a Life Worth Living," details her dark past and her journey to find faith and help others.

"God just rescued me," Sturm said. "All of the blessings that I've seen come out of my life have been from Him just rescuing me. It's not like from I was this great person; I wasn't. I just think it's amazing what He can do with our mess."

Watch the full interview in the video above.

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