Chonda Pierce: It's insulting that the media spoon-feeds us information

(Rory White)

The "Queen of Clean" comedy Chonda Pierce was under fire earlier this year when she agreed to perform at President Donald Trump's inauguration.

The comedian is sticking to her decision adding she has found it difficult lately to trust the media's reporting on his presidency.

She also spoke to Fox News about her upcoming film "Enough," where she tackles topics like delving into the world of online dating after losing her husband in 2014.

Fox News: You received a lot of backlash over performing at President Trump's inauguration. Looking back, would you do it again?
Chonda Pierce: Yeah. I would but I would also do it if Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton invited me. It's unpatriotic if you get asked to do something like that and you say no.

Fox News: How did your fans react?
Pierce: The people that love you are going to love you through it and the people that didn't, they didn't like me that much to begin with. I got unliked [on Facebook] about 1,000 times, but I got liked over 40,000 times.

Fox News: You supported Trump during the election. How do you think he's doing in office so far?
Pierce: I think good. There are some things I don't agree with, I think some of the expectations that I have are still on the table. At the same time, I think that it's obvious that he is not liked at all in the media. As a person that is trying to get information, the hard part is how do we find what is the truth? How do you read through an article and just eliminate the writer's slant and just get to the facts? I'm just as average as anybody out there. I'm weeding through newspapers and magazines and TV news, and I'm trying to discern for myself how I feel about any particular event. But it's hard to get to the bottom of the story... when you have to weave their opinion. I don't need your opinion. To be, honest, it's rather insulting that no one trusts me to come to my own conclusions. No one needs to be spoon-fed.

Fox News: What do you think of entertainers sharing their political opinions?
Pierce: I've never had a problem with it, to be honest. I've been blessed to have a platform and so I get to talk about my opinions and what's important to me, so I can't be disgruntled when they use their platform for the very same thing.

Fox News: Tell us about your new movie "Enough" with Fathom Events. It's out April 25.
Pierce: We as women, are still trying to find what we identify with. That was eliminated greatly when I was widowed all of a sudden and a girlfriend signed me up for online dating. You have to write about who you are, and man, that process just taught me so much about myself and the fact that I don't have to have another human being to define me. I don't have to have a man to complete my life. What I need comes from deep within and the self assurance that there is a creator out there that likes me the way I am.

Fox News: You tackle your experiences with online dating in the new movie.
Pierce: It has been hilarious, to tell you the truth. The men my age are looking for women who are 30 years younger because that's who they'll need to push their wheelchair around. So the 80-year-old men think I'm hot. Just going to a dating site it's like a catalog... What's on sale now? I have new respect for the single women out there that have been navigating this for a long time. I can't tell if it's going to be the best material of my career, or the most depressing.