
Charlize Theron claimed Monday that her first audition was with a producer who was inappropriate with her.

“He was a very big deal and is still a big deal,” Theron said on SiriusXM’s “Howard Stern Show."

The 43-year-old actress explained that a modeling agent had recommended the audition after she told the agent she wanted to try acting.


“It was my first audition ever,” Theron said. “I had just turned 19, I might have still been 18. I had never been out for an audition.”

Charlize Theron appeared on SiriusXM’s “Howard Stern Show" Monday, where she claimed that her first audition was with a producer who was inappropriate with her.

Charlize Theron appeared on SiriusXM’s “Howard Stern Show" Monday, where she claimed that her first audition was with a producer who was inappropriate with her. (Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

The agent told Theron the audition was at the producer’s house at 9 p.m. on a Saturday. When Theron showed up, she said, the producer was barefoot and in his pajamas.

She said he brought her into his house, sat very close to her and was drinking.

“He had a very healthy ego, he felt very good about himself,” she described.

She said she didn’t feel quite right about the situation and kept asking him about reading the pages she had been given, but he kept telling her they were just going to talk. Eventually, he put his hand on her knee, she said, adding that was when she realized she needed to leave.

“It’s crazy and girls talk about this where you just go blank. Like you don’t know what to do, but I left. I don’t even know how I got out of the house, but I left,” she said.

She went on to say that as she was driving home she was angry with herself for not speaking up.

“I was like, ‘I’m not that kind of girl. Why did I not tell him to go f--- himself?’ It made me so angry,” she said.


However, her story came full circle eight years later after she had made a name for herself. Theron told Stern that the producer eventually offered her a job and she went to discuss it “purely just to have my moment,” she said.

“He said, ‘Nice to meet you.’ And I said, ‘No, we’ve met before.’ And he had no recollection of it. And his producing partner was standing right next to him and he was embarrassed,” Theron explained.

“I went down the list, I said: ‘It was 9 p.m. on a Saturday at your house, you were wearing pajamas.’ I went down the list. I had my moment. He said, ‘Wow, I do not remember that,’” she added.

“Which, by the way, shows you how many women he did it to. If he doesn’t even remember, it’s not a one-off,” Stern said.