Charlie Sheen's Plea Deal Falls Through at Last Minute

Charlie Sheen (left) and his lawyer leave a court hearing. (AP)

A woman who works in the Pitkin County Jail derailed Charlie Sheen's plea deal Monday because she refused to honor the agreement, even though her own boss signed off on it, sources tell TMZ.

We're told the Pitkin County Sheriff signed off on the deal, as did the undersheriff, the lead prosecutor and Pitkin County District Attorney Marty Beeson. But the woman who supervises the work release program at the jail threw the monkey wrench before court today, saying she wasn't going to honor the deal because she had problems with the way it was structured.  In short, she would not let Charlie do what all of the parties agreed he could do to complete his 30-day sentence.

We're told the woman made it clear ... she didn't care if her boss made a commitment -- she would not enforce it.  We're told the Sheriff would not force the woman to honor the agreement.

At that point, attorney Yale Galanter, who brokered the deal for Sheen, pulled the plug.

Charlie is in Aspen tonight but we're told he will not be going back to court tomorrow.

If the parties work it out, a new court date is set for July 12.


More On This...

The woman who threw the monkey wrench in the Charlie Sheen plea agreement wanted to tighten the screws on Charlie to the point he couldn't even light up a cigarette while he was out working at a local theater ... TMZ has learned.

Beverly Campbell is Pitkin County's Jail Administrative Officer.  We've learned ... on Monday, Campbell insinuated herself in the deal her boss -- the Sheriff himself -- signed off on.  Campbell believes Charlie is not eligible for work release, but rather his daily get-out-of-jail pass should be something called "Useful Public Service (UPS)."

We're told Campbell believes under UPS, Charlie should only get out between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM.  Under the work release deal her boss signed, Charlie was supposed to get out between 8 AM and 8 PM.

Even worse, sources say Campbell believes under the UPS program Charlie has no right to eat, drink sodas, or smoke when he's working at the Aspen Theatre. 

And, under the UPS program, Charlie would have faced a longer period of probation after serving his time than under the work release program.

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