
Celebrity supporters of the Occupy Wall Street protestors took to the social networking platform Twitter to express their disappointment in New York City's move early Tuesday morning to take back Zuccotti Park.

Alec Baldwin, John Cusack and Mark Ruffalo, among others, tweeted their followers about the developments as they unfolded.

Here is a selection of the Twitter messages they sent.

Alec Baldwin

Bloomberg's NY is no place for the 1st amendment. Bloomberg serves Wall Street, now and forever. And Wall Street cannot handle free speech

Michael Moore

Go to Foley Square right now to regroup. Centre and Worth Sts. Follow the live stream: http://t.co/ZNW7JxBX

It's too late. Tens of millions of Americans won't let the #OWS momentum stop. They want the banks stopped and they want their America back.

John Cusack

Got this report from shannon moore about the nyc situation --- can any one confirm? If so blumberg lost hi… (cont)

Russell Simmons

ths morning my prayers R w/ the #ows group but my body is on way 2 boston 2 push forward on ending wallstreets control.

Mark Ruffalo

#mikebloomberg deals blow to First Amendment by raiding Zuccati park at 1am with riot police. Bars press from watching. Destroys library#Ows

NYC Mayor takes play out of China's playbook. Meets peaceful protesters with violent crack down, blocks media coverage, destroys property.

Colin Hanks

Disappointed to be reading about what is happening right now in NYC...

Eli Roth

All the anger against corruption has pitted NYC's finest against its citizens. It's all so painful to watch from afar. Stay strong NYC #OWS