Celebrity sex tape shockers

Gayheart and Eric Dane filmed a nude video of themselves with former beauty queen Kari Ann Peniche. (Reuters)

Paris' sex tape with Rick Solomon employed the use of night vision to catch the action. The tape catapulted her from party girl obscurity into reality show superstardom. (Reuters)

Back in the 80s, a 22-year-old Lowe starred in a sex tape with two women--one of whom was only 16 years old. In 2011, Lowe claims he thought the women were both older than 21. He spoke to Oprah about the incident in 2011 and said his sex scandal helped him get sober. (Reuters)

Kim reportedly settled with Vivid Entertainment for $5 million over the release of her sex tape with then-boyfriend Ray J. (Reuters)

The queen of celebrity sex tapes, Anderson has had more than one released, featuring more than one rock star. (Reuters)

In 2004, a 42-minute sex tape of Survivor contestant Jenna Lewis and her husband Travis Wolfe surfaced. (Reuters)

Former beauty queen Prejean apologized for her sex tape, saying it was the worst mistake of her life. (Reuters)

Kendra shot her sex tape just a few months before her introduction to Hugh Hefner at a Playboy Mansion party. The rest is sex tape history. (Splash)

Supermodel Carolyn Murphy's sex tape was filmed during her 1999 honeymoon in Barbados with then-husband Jake Schroeder. (Reuters)

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