Capital One stands by Alec Baldwin; experts urge anger management classes

MSNBC was quick to suspend Alec Baldwin’s low-rated Friday night news program “Up Late” for at least two episodes following an alleged gay slur directed toward a photographer outside his New York City apartment last Thursday. And despite the actor's apologies, it sounds like the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has had enough as well.

“Mr. Baldwin can’t fight for equality on paper, while degrading gay people in practice,” a GLAAD rep told FOX411.

Conversely, Capital One, which employs Baldwin in its “What’s in your wallet?” TV campaign, has done nothing to distance themselves from the hot-headed thespian. The credit card giant did not respond to multiple requests for comment from FOX411 on Monday regarding his outburst and status with the company.

Similarly, this past July, the bank refused to respond to queries after Baldwin was forced to apologize after threatening to beat up a male reporter and calling him a “toxic little queen” and “f**ing little b*tch.”

According to CEO of 5WPR, Ronn Torossian, Capitol One likely understood what they were getting themselves into when they hired the volatile star.

“Alec Baldwin is Alec Baldwin. At this point, it is frankly part of his shtick and it defines the man. Is there any surprise that a man who insults and degrades his 11-year-old daughter screams anti-gay insults? ” Torossian said. “My guess is that both Capital One and MSNBC are both waiting this story out to see where it goes.”

Scores of Americans are urging the bank to sever ties.

“When will Capital One dump this jerk?” one tweeted. Another questioned: “With a LOWLIFE like Alec Baldwin as their spokesman y would anyone use Capital one?”

But most problematic for Capitol One may be this tweet:  “Just called and canceled a @CapitalOne card. When asked for my reason, I just said 'Alec Baldwin.' The CSR guy said he's gotten a lot today.”

Online communications guru and CEO of Quantum Networks Ari Zoldan said it is only a matter of time before the actor gets hit where it hurts: the back pocket.

“It all comes down to dollars and cents. When sponsors and commercials start pulling away from him, Alec will have to change his attitude. No one wants to be associated with this kind of commotion,” Zoldan said. “While there is no doubt that being hounded by paparazzi 24/7 is no fun, anger management classes must be on the horizon sooner rather than later.”

Wendy Feldman, Director of Alternative Sentencing for the rehab facility Cliffside Malibu, noted that Baldwin’s repeated mess-ups make him a great candidate for some form of anger management program.

“He looks like he could lose the MSNBC gig over this and he also has a small child, and is very easily provoked,” she observed. “Alec may just need some time out, but he continues to make the same mistakes and that won’t end well for him.”

A source connected to the Baldwin camp said the actor isn't homophobic, just an entitled rich guy “used to doing outrageous comedy,” coupled with some long-standing anger issues.

A member of Baldwin’s team declined to comment on whether or not he has any intention to handle the seemingly growing issues through a rehab program.

Baldwin has tried to mend fences after each outburst. He apologized over the weekend, and is said to have donated most of his projected $15 million Capital One commercial earnings to different charities, including the new children’s addition at the East Hampton Library, New York Philharmonic and the Hamptons International Film Festival.

And some image experts are doubtful that Baldwin’s controversies will have any long-term ramifications given his bad-boy persona.

“Alec seems to have been given a free pass by the Hollywood community,” explained Elissa Buchter, founder of Schmooze Public Relations. “While others like Paula Deen have watched their careers go up in flames as a result of hate speech, Baldwin’s popularity has remained mostly unfettered.”

MSNBC did not respond to a request for comment.

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