Brock Pierce is a 22nd century type of politician in the sense that he isn’t one at all.

The former child actor, 39, and “The Mighty Ducks” franchise star famously played the role of a mischievous “First Kid,” and president’s son named Luke Davenport in the 1996 cult classic film -- with Sinbad starring as his assigned Secret Service agent Sam Simms.

In the movie, Luke unknowingly stirs up an online friendship with his former bodyguard who goes by the screenname Mongoose12 and -- spoiler alert -- ends up trying to abduct and kill Davenport.

By the end of the charade, Simms takes a bullet for Davenport and passes up a promotion to remain alongside the first kid.

“I will forever be indebted and will forever be grateful to Sinbad for giving the young me that break that created all of this opportunity,” Pierce told Fox News of the comedian and actor, adding that he spent “actual time in the Oval Office” at just 14 years old.


“Bill Clinton and Sonny Bono had cameos in that movie,” Pierced raved of his time on set. “He chose me over the top A-list actors of my age group at that time and said, 'I want that guy to be the star of the movie because that's the one I have the chemistry with.'”

Now, Pierce is a technology tycoon at the forefront of the Esports and cryptocurrency boom -- and also a candidate for president of the United States in the 2020 election.


Running as an independent candidate, Pierce will have his name on ballots in 16 states, including New York and Alaska -- and his message is simple.

The Utah native is pushing for “prosperity for all” and believes his blueprint for America will catapult the nation to greater heights.

Pierce spoke to Fox News about the 2020 presidential election, where his passion for politics stems from, and how performing at a young age helped him prepare for a career in business and beyond. The conversation has been edited for clarity and length.

Fox News: What is your anticipation level knowing we’re hours from voters deciding who they’ll elect president for the next four years?

Brock Pierce: Well, I just pray whatever happens here -- that as Americans -- we are showing up with compassion. That we are patient and understanding and whatever you do, I hope that everybody votes with their conscience. I hope that everybody does whatever is the right thing for each and every one of them.


FN: Where does your passion for politics stem from?

Pierce: It's probably ancestral to begin with, but it really comes out of care and concern and love for this country and love for the American people. And if you see what I see, you know, if you feel what I feel, something's not right. You know, these United States of America, they feel like the divided states of America. We're divided politically right now, families are divided, we're divided economically and we’re divided racially. And we've got very real threats environmentally, technologically, pandemically -- potential conflicts with foreign nation states. I think we're doomed if we don't do something different. And so I hope to create a political movement -- something that brings about the very necessary change. What has served us in the past will no longer serve us in the future, as Albert Einstein is often credited with saying, is that 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result.'

Brock Pierce, chairman of Bitcoin Foundation Inc., speaks during the Skybridge Alternatives (SALT) conference in Las Vegas, May 9, 2019. (Getty Images)

Brock Pierce, chairman of Bitcoin Foundation Inc., speaks during the Skybridge Alternatives (SALT) conference in Las Vegas, May 9, 2019. (Getty Images)

FN: What’s your response to those who say they don’t want another “celebrity” president in the White House?

Pierce: I think everybody is free to make their choices, and I think that we should look at each person individually and the things that they've accomplished in their life. You know, I grew up, yes, as a child actor. And then I chose to devote my life to creating things, innovative things. And I've been doing that since I was 16. I've been doing impossible things. Things that are impossible -- meaning that no one has ever done it before. Creating things out of nothing. I've been on the forefront of innovation, seeing into the future, seeing around the corners, trying to help guide humanity forward. I think of myself as like a midwife or a doula for creation. And I think that we need that kind of visionary leadership in our nation right now.


FN: How did performing at a young age prepare you for leadership in business and beyond?

Pierce: I mean, I had a very unique childhood. I was so blessed and so lucky to be able to book the main character role in 'The Mighty Ducks' at the age of 10, to play Gordon Bombay -- to open up that movie and set the stage for that entire franchise and ultimately that hockey team. And then the one that's more relevant, 'First Kid,' where I got to play the son of the president of the United States of America with Sinbad as my Secret Service agent. I just want to give thanks to Sinbad. He's such a good man and I had never starred in a movie. I had supporting roles in movies up to that point and I was up against the top actors of my age group at that time.

FN: What do you say to sway potential voters who are on the fence about who they’re going to cast their vote for?

Pierce: It's back to acting according to your conscience. Do whatever it is that you feel is right for you because we only have the power to change ourselves, right? But as we show up attempting to be our best selves, acting according to our conscience, trying to be the change we wish to see in the world, we have the ability to inspire others. And as we do that individually, hopefully we can do that collectively. The only way that we break free from this cycle that we've found ourselves in is as we do that, not making decisions out of fear. Divided we fall, united we stand. And I think that not just the fate of this nation, but the fate of humanity will be determined over the course of the next decade. And so I pray that we start showing up in our best way.


FN: In your outlook for the country, do you believe those gravely damaged by the coronavirus pandemic and many other policies will be able to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives?

Pierce: I wish I could tell you it's all going to be nice and easy, and we're going to have a fast recovery, but sadly, I don't believe that's going to be true. Winter is coming. It's going to be a long winter and it's going to be a moment where we're going to be tried. We're going to be tested as Americans and again, to remind us to have care and compassion. 

I'm in this for the long run. I'm running in 2024. I'm running the next four years all the way through. This is the beginning of that movement. And it's not just about me, I'm looking for 100 candidates, independent candidates to support through 2021 and 2022. I think we need a government of 'for and by the people' that are not there for money or power, but they are there to serve because they care. I'm looking for doctors, teachers, businesspeople, entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, farmers, artists, athletes, whoever. I'm looking for a government of 'for by the people' that are not controlled by political parties. I'm going to help these candidates get into office so that they can directly represent the constituents that voted them into office and they can directly speak their truth act according to their conscience.


So I am in this to win this in the long haul and we do win eventually -- I don't mean me because I have so much faith and I have so much confidence in the American people. We are going to be tried. We are going to be tested and this is going to be a very difficult time for us. And all I can do is continue to remind us to fear less, to love more, to act according to our conscience, to be patient, to have compassion for others because we need it. And to be willing to engage each other in conversation.

The moment we stop talking is when things really start to fall apart. We can agree to disagree and we can show up with dignity and respect. We can engage each other and say at the end of the conversation, we agree to disagree but thank you for sharing your perspective. I now have a better understanding of where you're coming from. And through that process, we can build a bridge. Through that process, we can find compromise. We can find a path forward.