Is Britney Spears being pressured to be overly sexual? That’s what the pop star implied during a radio interview.
Spears told a Boston radio show that she wants to be more modest but she’s pressured to maintain her sexy image. When discussing her latest music video for “Work Bitch,” Spears said she made editors cut out a lot of the sexed-up scenes.
“Oh my God we showed way more skin and did way more stuff for the video than what is actually there,” she said. “I cut, like, out half the video because I am a mother and because, you know, I have children and it’s hard to play sexy mom while you’re, you know, being a pop star as well.”
The radio host then asked Spears straight out if she had people pushing her to shoot sexy scenes. She laughed and replied “Yes.”
She said in her ideal world, her image would be different.
“A lot of sex goes in to what I do… But sometimes I would just like to bring it back to the old days when it was like one outfit through the whole video, and you’re just dancing through the whole video, and there’s not that much sex stuff going on and it’s just about the dance.”
Spears is under her father’s conservatorship and she is managed by Larry Rudolf. The two released a statement to TMZ, saying they’re definitely not pressuring Brit.
"Britney is never pressured into anything. She reviews all creative and for her 'Work Bitch' video she discussed toning down some parts in finding a balance of sexy and being a mom."
Click here for more on the story from TMZ.