Brian Williams apologizes when woman drops F-bomb on MSNBC

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams was forced to apologize to viewers after a young woman at an Iowa caucus dropped the F-bomb on Monday night.

During MSNBC's live coverage of the Iowa caucuses, field reporter and correspondent Jacob Soboroff was interviewing a group of Bernie Sanders supporters when one young woman expressed her anger over the Department of Veteran Affairs.

"I am a vet, my mom's a vet, how is he going to fix it?" one young woman asked the Sanders supporters. "Because I can tell you right now that the V.A. is more screwed up than it has been in a while. The fact that I haven't gotten benefits in three months because the V.A. is so f**ked up, really makes me concerned."

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Immediately after dropping the F-bomb, the young woman realized that she made a mistake and the camera crew pulled back from the activists.

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    Moments later, Williams, who was in the MSNBC studio, apologized for the profanity that slipped by the news network’s censors.

    "When you listen in to caucuses, you take the good with the bad, and people often speak the way they do out on the street," he explained. "We apologize, I know Jacob apologizes, we all join him in apologizing for a bit of French that snuck in to our English language translation, there." Check out the video below to see the unexpected moment.

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    Soboroff took to Twitter to apologize himself and shared a screengrab of the hilariously uncomfortable look he gave when Williams apologized on his behalf.

    Viewers were quick to jump on the awkward moment, using the unexpected profanity to poke fun at the candidates and bemoan the fact that someone using a swear word is, for whatever reason, one of the biggest stories being covered at the caucuses.

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    Williams returned to TV in September as an anchor for MSNBC after being removed from his role on "NBC Nightly News" after it had come out that he had embellished, and even fabricated, aspects of his account of being in a helicopter in Iraq that was brought down by enemy fire in 2003. For more on the scandal that brought down one of America's most popular news anchors, check out the video below.