Breakfast With 'FOX & Friends' Sweepstakes

Dear Friends of "FOX & Friends,"

A warm and welcome hello from the nation's big town that's really cold on this Monday, but we warmed things up with the kickoff of our , your annual chance to get us to pay for your trip to come see us in New York City, stay at a great hotel, be on our show, and wind up with this fantastic phone with , that lets you watch "FOX & Friends."

If you'd like to enter, just log onto to enter and get the official lawyer details on all the rules — and there are a couple, which make it clear, among other things, that Cavuto can't win the trip.

As for the e-mail we received to our show asking how the 8-year-old pogo stick contestant is after she took a tumble on our show, the answer is, she's fine. She was doing her best to break a , but after a bunch of bounces Brian asked her a question and she turned to answer, and that's when all hell broke lose, and instead of landing in the world record book, she landed on her keister.


Don't worry, she's fine, I just left her in the green room with her mother and they were laughing it up.

NOTE TO BRIAN KILMEADE: While guests are attempting to break world records, or during operations on live patients, do not distract performing surgeons or girls on pogo sticks... ever.

Additionally, a thanks to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who dropped by and presented our winner from last year a bunch of NYC memorabilia and then when prodded by me if he was going to run for president he said, "No, and I wouldn't do it on this show anyway, even though EVERYBODY watches it!" Hey, he's not only a billionaire, but he's the mayor of the biggest town in America, and he says EVERYBODY watches "FOX & Friends," that's great! Thanks, your honor!

Gotta go now, have a great day, and don't forget to log onto to enter our sweepstakes!

See you in the morning!

Steve Doocy

Watch 'FOX & Friends,' Weekdays at 7 a.m. ET