Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev attended same high school as Matt Damon, Ben Affleck

The Cambridge Latin and Rindge School is seen on the left. Actors Ben Affleck and Matt Damon pose together in a 1998 file photo, right. (Google/ Reuters)

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly attended the Cambridge Latin and Rindge School, a high school that boasts many famous alumni, including childhood pals Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.

The school’s website has a section dedicated to its prominent graduates, and details that friends Damon and Affleck attended the school and graduated two years apart.

“Matt Damon (1988) and Ben Affleck (1990), friends from high school days, teamed up and co-starred in the film ‘Good Will Hunting’  for which they also won the Academy Award for Best Screenplay in 1998,” the school’s website states.

Actor Orson Bean and retired NBA star Patrick Ewing also attended the school.

According to an article on Tsarnaev, 19, received a $2,500 City Scholarship when he was a senior at the Cambridge Latin and Rindge School.

Affleck, 40, expressed his emotions following Monday’s tragic bombings. Though he tweets somewhat sporadically, Affleck was quick to post a message about the attacks.

“Such a senseless and tragic day. My family and I send our love to our beloved and resilient Boston,” he wrote.

His friend Damon was less vocal following the attacks that left three dead and more than 170 injured on Patriot’s Day. But in an essay published in March by the Boston Globe, Damon raved about the annual event and described watching his father run the race.

“On the third Monday in April, Comm. Ave. transforms into a sporting spectacle like no other, overwrought with nerves and excitement as enervated runners from around the world confront the historic Heartbreak Hill(s),” he wrote.

As of press time, neither Affleck nor Damon, who does not have an official Twitter account, had commented on reports that Tsarnaev attended Cambridge Latin and Rindge School.

A rep for Affleck did not immediately return a request for comment. A rep for Damon and administrators at the school could not immediately be reached for comment.

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