Bling Ring 2.0: Are celebs partly to blame for rash of robberies?

Call it the circle of strife.

In a roughly 10-mile radius of Los Angeles, celebrities are being targeted by thieves going after their pricey belongings.

The LAPD has launched a task force to investigate the robbery rash, which some are calling “Bling Ring 2.0” – a reference to the “Bling Ring” group famous for a string of star burglaries in 2008 and 2009.

But one expert says spending money on this type of policing is misplaced and claims the celebs may be partially to blame for the burglaries because they have are so lazy about their security.

Mark Chinapen, celebrity security expert and CEO of Big Time Affairs, believes the celebs need to be doing more to protect their property.

“Celebrities are the cheapest folks, and they always want to take shortcuts until it’s too late -- not locking doors or turning on security alarms. We’re wasting time putting a task force together when the celebrities aren’t doing their part,” Chinapen adds.

Kendall Jenner had $200,000 worth of jewelry stolen from a bedroom in her Hollywood Hills home on March 16, Alanis Morissette was robbed of $2 million in jewelry in February, and Nicki Minaj had $175,000 worth of jewelry and other valuables taken from her home.


Other celebs hit by the recent Hollywood heists include Kevin Hart, Chris Brown, Scott Disick, Blac Chyna, Jamie Pressley and Cesar Millan.

All of the celebrities were struck when they were out of town, and the focus of the criminals has been stealing jewelry and cash from safes.

LAPD detective William Dunn told Fox News that he believes the majority of the burglaries are not inside jobs.

"They could be social media driven, and that could make the celebs a target, but in general most of these incidents are random,” he said. “A lot of people just don’t turn on their security systems. They leave everything in in the bedroom, and they don't hide things. They don't take the precautions and no one knows their neighbors anymore.”


In a news conference in mid-March, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that he and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck don’t think the celebrity burglary cases are related.

“Beck and the police department are committed to solving these cases,” Garcetti said. “We’ve seen pockets that have happened on the Westside [west San Fernando Valley] a while back, and we were able to break up one ring, but we don’t think that these ones are a single ring or any connection.”

Chinapen claims there are 45,000 gang members in Los Angeles, and this is how they make their money.

"Celebrities can afford to do what it takes to stay safe, but they take chances until it’s too late," Chinapen added.

Dunn said that most people who work for the celebrities -- domestic workers, gardeners and drivers -- are honest hard-working people and the finger is often pointed at them.


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