Blake Shelton sends fan message who missed show after motorcycle accident

Even as a diehard Blake Shelton fan, missing his show is probably the farthest thing from your mind when your boyfriend sustains life-threatening injuries preventing you from attending. But Boyfriend of the Year Jonathan Daniels — who got his girlfriend Lindsay tickets to a Shelton show for her birthday — was not satisfied with her having to miss it due to his motorcycle accident. So he wrote Shelton a letter. And to his surprise, Shelton responded.

Daniels was riding his motorcycle with some friends in September when someone pulled out in front of them, and Daniels ended up bouncing off the car and into a telephone pole, enduring a host of traumatic injuries. According to a Facebook post he wrote addressed to Shelton in early November, the EMTs and police on the scene didn’t expect him to survive the night.

“Well they were wrong!! I actually survived 2 collapsed lungs, 1 punctured lung, brain bleeding, a lacerated liver, kidney, and spleen. I also fractured 3 ribs 8 vertebrae in my neck and back, and also fractured both shoulder blades,” he explains.

The letter notes how Lindsay stayed by his side every step of the way and is helping him recover, but that the couple had to miss the Shelton show in Brooklyn on Oct. 8.

“I was just hoping maybe you would see this letter and help me give her the birthday present she deserves. All she wants is to see you in concert. It would just make her day and make her smile which is all I want to do!!” he continues in his plea to the star.

The note was shared more than 400,000 times and finally made its way to Shelton, who posted a kind video response. He was more than happy to oblige the request.

“I’m very sorry about the accident and I hope you recover soon and you’re feeling better,” Shelton says. “Obviously I’m totally ready to give you tickets to whatever show you can make it to, and don’t rush, for God’s sake, take your time getting well and getting ready.”

Shelton even did them one better. “I got to meet you guys,” he declares.

When Daniels is fully recovered, he and his girlfriend will have the time of their lives at the show. Shelton is nearing the end of his eleventh season as a coach on "The Voice" and recently announced his 2017 Doin’ It to Country Songs Tour with RaeLynn, kicking off in February.