Billy Idol killed ex-girlfriend's cat, claims rocker in shocking new memoir

Billy Idol (Reuters)

Make that eight lives.

A new book sensationally claims that Billy Idol once killed a kitty cat. The memoir by glam-rock weirdo Adam Bomb claims that in the ’80s the “White Wedding” singer flew into a fit of rage and hurled his girlfriend’s pet against a wall.

In the book “Druggy Stardust and the Empress of Clubland,” which follows Bomb’s relationship with late Limelight honcho Claire O’Connor, Bomb writes that Idol became enraged because he believed his then-girlfriend Perri Lister cheated on him.

Bomb writes, “Claire said, ‘Billy Idol could get really vile. He got Perri a kitten, and after a nasty argument, he threw the kitten against the wall in their apartment and killed it.’ ” Bomb says O’Connor added of the flying fur, “Perri’s curiosity killed the cat.”

Meanwhile, Bomb also claims that he hung with a young Courteney Cox before she was famous.

“The VIP room at [New York club] the Ritz was a daily rock ’n’ roll party,” he writes, and “an attractive secretary who worked for FBI Booking with Ian Copeland was always in the VIP room looking pretty and unavailable.” The author recalls, “Everybody wanted her, but she was always silent.” There was a leather-heavy party to launch the book at Jue Lan Club.

Reps for Idol and Cox didn’t get back to us.

This article originally appeared on Page Six.