Bill Maher: Dems shouldn't be 'pecking' at Biden if he's the only one who can beat Trump

"Real Time" host Bill Maher warned Democrats on Monday not to "peck" former Vice President Joe Biden if he's the only 2020 candidate who can defeat President Trump.

During his appearance on "Cuomo Prime Time," Maher expressed concerns that the Democratic Party has not learn the lessons from 2016 and how they have yet to have the "we've got to get serious" moment. He then invoked former President Obama's remarks about how the 2020 Democrats have created a "circular firing squad," leaving them to attack each other.

"Joe Biden, for example, the whole thing with the kissing the back of the head and the Eskimo kisses- who cares?" Maher exclaimed. "You know, if this is the guy to beat Trump, it is unconscionable to be pecking at him this way at the beginning."

The HBO star compared what Biden was accused of versus President Trump, who Maher suggested got away with "real sexual assault" and concluded that the former vice president was "just being Joe."


"OK, you don't like it, it's creepy, I get it," Maher continued. "Sometimes these people do things to me that are too close and I don't like it, but that's life! You know... instead of writing a blog about it a year and a half later, just turn around and say 'excuse me.' Some things you have to handle yourself."

Maher also slammed political correctness, calling it the "cancer of progressivism" and told CNN anchor Chris Cuomo how he doesn't trust the media.

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