This image released by NBC shows contestant Rachel Frederickson from "The Biggest Loser." Fredrickson lost nearly 60 percent of her body weight to win the latest season of "The Biggest Loser" and pocket $250,000. A day after her grand unveiling on NBC, she faced a firestorm of criticism in social media from people who said she went too far. (NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA2013)
Bob Harper admits he was flabbergasted by “The Biggest Loser” contestant Rachel Frederickson’s 155-pound weight loss. The trainer told Rachel Ray during a taping for an episode airing February 13 that he was astonished by the dramatic finale reports US magazine.
“I was stunned,” he confessed. “That would be the word. I mean, we’ve never had a contestant at 105 pounds.” When the cook and talk show host asked him about fans criticism that the season 15 winner was emaciated he responded, “What people don’t understand is, when the contestants leave to go home…they’re in charge of themselves. I had not seen her until that night, and so when she walked out, I was just kind of like, ‘Whoa.’ And I’ve been on the show since the beginning, forever.”
Both Harper and fellow trainer Jillian addressed the controversy on Facebook.
“We’re not comfortable commenting on Rachel’s journey because we weren’t her trainers and weren’t given an opportunity to work with her at any point,” read a posted statement. “Any questions about contestants on “The Biggest Loser” should be directed to the show’s producers.”
However Dolvett Quince, her trainer on the show defended Frederickson’s dramatic weight loss on Facebook.
"Biggest Loser is a journey which has its ups and downs," he wrote. "Please try not to look at one slice of Rachel's journey and come to broad conclusions. Rachel's health is and always has been my main concern and her journey to good health has not yet ended!!"