Biggest celebrity brats

Despite her A-list Hollywood status, Scarlett Johansson wants people to know that it is really, really hard to be so beautiful. She was quoted as saying that she lost out on roles, specifically because she is just too sexy. "That has happened to me before, yeah. That's always an unfortunate thing to figure out, 'Why can't you see?!' For me, I would imagine when casting someone, you would want to challenge yourself in some way. It is so interesting to see actors transform. There are certainly plenty of times when I am definitely not sexy." We're pretty sure that your dreaded sexiness played a teensy role in your $20 million paycheck for the "Avengers" sequel, and some other major roles. (AP)

Fame transformed the Biebs from a little Canadian boy with a YouTube channel to a multi-millionaire, but he has turned into a real brat in recent months. Justin told the paparazzi how he really feels in London, launching himself at them and yelling profanities when they snapped him leaving a hotel. See more photos of Justin at <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Justin+Bieber"></a>. (

It may come with money and fame, but poor Avril's life is complicated. The moody singer has dissed Hollywood starlets who seek attention by partying at hot nightclubs or dining out at paparazzi-target restaurants. "It's not something I want to be a part of," she said. "I've got a career. I don't want to go to the f---ing Ivy for lunch." See more photos of Avril at <a target="_blank" href=";celebrity=Avril+Lavigne"></a>. (

Blake gained stardom by starring on the teen drama "Gossip Girl," but she still had the nerve to complain that the show took up too much of her time. “We shoot nine months out of the year, so there are so many films I can’t do," said the poor little darling. “On my latest movie I would go and take a day off from 'Gossip Girl' in New York and go to Connecticut and shoot that and then come back the next day. And they don’t really like to share you.” (Reuters)

The "Transformers" star has long been compared to Angelina Jolie for her tattoos and similar features, but she is appalled by the comparison - even though Angie has been nominated for countless awards, and Megan, none. (Reuters)

The former star of "Lost" is not exactly modest when it comes to her good looks. "I used to cry myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered at and disrespected me," she once said. There are probably worse things in life to cry yourself to sleep about. (Reuters)

Johnny Depp hasn't been shy about expressing his desire for anonymity, but his comments comparing a photo shoot to rape went a bit too far. "You just feel like you're being raped somehow," he said about photo shoots. "Raped... It feels like a kind of weird... just weird, man." He released a heartfelt apology later admitting that it was a poor choice of words. (Reuters)

The actress claims that her good looks are the reason behind her not even getting considered more dramatic film roles, calling natural beauty "a problem." In an interview with Allure magazine, she explained, "I just want an opportunity." Why does she think she's gotten the opportunities she has? (Reuters)

Fame is really affecting John's songwriting abilities. "I find it hard to write lyrics like I used to," he claims. "This is not because people know so much about me, but because of what they think they know. So I find myself trying to guess what they think they know and then trying to steer clear of it and find another way to explain myself." Are people really looking for a John Mayer explanation? Uh no. (Reuters)

Just call her cranky pants. "What people told me [when I signed on to 'Twilight'] was that there would be a lot of fan girls, people who love the books," she tells Allure magazine. "But people don't tell you that as long as you're living in Los Angeles, it's a show every second of your day. It's like the Kristen show. And it's so boring!" She also later went on to explain that fame felt like she was being raped. (Reuters)

Is there anything Katherine hasn't complained about? First she complained about her "Grey's Anatomy" producers, and then she complained about how hard she had it as a child model. “Oh my god, it was brutal," she recalls. "You even understand it, even when you’re nine, you’re like, ‘This is silly and lame’ and they’re like, ‘No, no, it’s adorable, do it.’” (Reuters)

The singer hated when people would talk about her frail frame, yet she constantly posted pictures of herself in barely there bikinis. <i>Here's a tip:</i> If you want people to stop talking about your body, put on some clothes and stop taking pictures of yourself. (Reuters)

The songstress once told Teen Vogue, "I'm tired of being famous already!" "But I'm not tired of creating," she continued. "Fame is, I think, just a disgusting by-product." Fame also pays your bills, Katy. (Reuters)

Sometimes making a lot of money can be a bad thing, according to former reality star Bethenny Frankel. “The most difficult thing in my journey is the way that people have reacted to my making money,” she told Forbes Woman. “Money brings out a really vicious side in other people. It surprises me because you always think about people making money and it changing them, you never think about it changing everything else. Fame isn’t the thing that changed the people around me, but money is.” “People look at you differently. People make up stories about you,” Bethenny laments. “People speculate about what you’ve had and what you’ve done and really try and tear you down and I had no idea that would be the case.” Really? By putting your life on reality TV 24/7, you imagined you would live a quiet and unassuming life? Riiiiight. For more pics of Bethenny, go to <a target="_blank" href=""></a> (NBC)