
The Betty White comeback will not ebb.

The octogenarian is now adding "Forest Ranger" to her list of been there, done that's.

The "The Golden Girls" star will be made an honorary ranger Tuesday by the U.S. Forest Service.

White, 88, has said that as a young girl she wanted to be a forest ranger, but women weren't allowed to have the job.

Of course, Forest Rangers were a new thing when White was a girl.

So were forests. (We kid!)

The Forest Service began in 1905, but very few women were employed during the early years.

The first woman to serve as a fire lookout was Hallie Daggett, who was hired in 1913 to spot fires in California's Klamath National Forest.

Today women are 38 percent of the Forest Service's work force.

And they all had better be looking over their shoulder. Because these days, what Betty wants, Betty gets.

- The Associated Press contributed to this report.