Awkward! Taylor Swift given Kennedy award shortly after dumping a Kennedy

Isn't it ironic? (No wait, that's Alanis Morisette.)

Taylor Swift has been given an award named after the grandfather of the teenager with whom she recently parted ways.

The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights honored Swift with their Ripple of Hope Award on Monday night.

The award is given to someone who demonstrates "commitment to social change and reflect Robert Kennedy’s passion for equality, justice, basic human rights, and his belief that we all must strive to 'make gentle the life of this world.'"

Swift was recently linked to Conor Kennedy, 18-year-old son of RFK's son, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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The singer appeared at the awards ceremony in New York to accept the award from several of Conor's family members.

Swift, 22, is the youngest winner of the Ripple of Hope award. Previous honorees include former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, Bono and George Clooney.