Australian news anchor blasts colleague for wearing similar top

From l-r: Julie Snook, Amber Sherlock and Sandy Rea. (Channel Nine News)

Australia's Channel Nine suffered a fashion emergency when newsreader Amber Sherlock realized she was wearing a similar outfit to the guests she was about to talk to just moments before going to air.

And, in off-air footage published by Mumbrella, Sherlock can be seen letting rip at her colleague Julie Snook for daring to wear a white top like hers.

For the segment, which aired Wednesday, Sherlock was in a different studio to her guests Snook and psychologist Sandy Rea. Minutes before going to air, Sherlock looked at the video feed in the studio monitor and realized they all looked like Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton and Bette Midler in that final scene of "The First Wives Club" where they all wear white and sing.

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“I need Julie to put a jacket on because we’re all in white. I asked her before we came on — Julie, you need to put a jacket on,” a perturbed Sherlock demanded.

As Snook began to explain she just hadn’t had time to source a jacket before going into the studio, Sherlock cut her off: “Come on, I told you two hours ago.”

Sherlock then pulled her iPhone out and informed Snook she’d personally call the Nine wardrobe department to “get something”.

Fellow guest, psychologist Sandy Rea, could hear all this going down from her studio and looked appropriately uncomfortable with the exchange.

Rea tried to defuse the problem by suggesting she’d get a jacket herself.

“You’re fine Sandy but there can’t be three of us. And I made this clear two and a half hours ago,” Sherlock shot back while angrily thumbing at her iPhone, perhaps scrolling through Portmans’ online store to buy Snook a new outfit herself.

Remaining calm, Snook tried to reason with her flustered colleague.

“Amber, if it’s an issue I can get on out of here (the studio),” she said.

“It is an issue. Go and grab a jacket,” Sherlock demanded. Snook pointed out she was actually wearing light blue and not white but this was all swings and roundabouts for Sherlock and the technicality annoyed her more.

She called out for a producer to find Snook a jacket. Any jacket. Even if they had to just rip one off Tracy Grimshaw.

The passive aggressive back-and-forth continued.

Snook: “If there’s an issue I can just head on out and get back to work because I’m flat chat, I genuinely forgot.”

Sherlock: “Fine, jump on out, if that’s what you’d like to do.”

Snook: “Amber, please, this is not the only thing I’m doing today.”

At this point, the footage cuts to black.

The next time we see Snook, she’s been strapped into a jacket.

Moments later, the segment went to air. And Sherlock warmly introduced Rea and her colleague Snook.

This article originally appeared on