Ashton Kutcher, January Jones Mum on Rumors He Is Father of Her Infant Child

Ashton Kutcher and January Jones (Reuters)

An Internet blind item has sparked rampant speculation that Ashton Kutcher could be the father of January Jones’ newborn son, Xander.

Jones, 33, gave birth to Xander in September, but did not list a father on the birth certificate. California does not require the mother to put a father's name on the birth certificate. To add one at a later date requires legal filings.

On October 17, the website ran this blind item:

"This married actor had a one-night stand with one of his exes, who is an actress in an acclaimed television show. She wound up pregnant. The actor's wife found out about the baby, and, to no one's surprise, went completely ballistic. Both the actor and his wife tried every tactic (money, lawyers, threats to ruin her career) to convince the ex to terminate the pregnancy."

The online gossip blogger Michael K. of then posted an item that said “all signs point to January Jones.”

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Since then, Internet speculation over this latest twist in Kutcher's tabloid-filled life has reached a fever pitch. reached out to Jones and Kutcher’s publicists earlier this week, and received no response.

So let's see how the facts match up to the blind item.

Jones has refused to divulge the identity of Xander’s father since she announced she was pregnant earlier this year.

Kutcher, 33, and Jones seriously dated from 1998 to 2001. However, they have not been linked since. In fact, she told GQ in an interview that he was demeaning about her career.

Kutcher is married to actress Demi Moore, 48, and Jones is an actress on perennial Emmy-winner television show, "Mad Men."

On Wednesday, Kutcher released a video via the social networking site about his thoughts on truth and the media, which many have described as his response to not only the rumors about January Jones, but the allegations levied against him by 22-year old Sara Leal, who claims she had a night of unprotected sex with the actor on the night of his sixth wedding anniversary.

In the video, a bearded, baseball cap-wearing Kutcher waxes philosophic about the the integrity of modern-day media.

“We really have to take it upon ourselves to instill a level of honesty in the works and media that we create and share with people, and be certain that we are doing our own diligence to ensure that what we are saying is for the benefit of the other, utilizing our full capacity to share the truth,” Kutcher said.

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