Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs: Best biopic casting?

Ashton Kutcher (left) will play late Apple founder Steve Jobs, pictured at right in 1991. (AP)

The first photos of Ashton Kutcher as a young Steve Jobs have emerged, and the digerati are busy debating whether he looks the part.

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the best biopic casting decisions over the years. 

In the pics, Kutcher, 34, is seen heading to the set of an upcoming indie movie tentatively titled "Jobs: Get Inspired," which is scheduled to be released this fall. The film reportedly focuses on the late Apple co-founder as a young hippie-turned-technology visionary.

While the likeness is more impressive than some people thought it would be, there's at least one goof so far. Jobs mostly wore New Balance 991’s, but it looks like Kutcher is wearing Asics, Cult of Mac notes.

PHOTOS: See the latest celebrity pictures to hit the Internet. 

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