
Ashley Monroe isn't taking sides. The singer told FOX411 she remains good friends with both Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert after the couple announced their divorce last week. The exes even turned their split into an opportunity to help promote Monroe's new album and the singer couldn't be more grateful.

"[I've known Lambert] for about 10 years and she's always supported me and my music," Monroe told FOX411 Country. "And then we became best friends, we have a sister connection...it's amazing to watch her as a businesswoman and how she reinvents herself and as a singer and as a performer. I really do look up to her a lot."

Lambert made her first post-divorce appearance at Monroe's album release party for "The Blade."

"Because it was taped, she didn’t have glam, and as you know us girls like glam when we’re on TV, so she was like 'I’m just going to come in this little sundress and no makeup' and I said, 'Don’t worry about it, just sit over there and enjoy it, have fun' you know. But then towards the end I got word up on stage that she wants to sing 'Heart like Mine' and I’m like, 'Oh yay!' It’s always amazing singing with her, like I said she’s my best friend in the world and it’s good to stand up there on stage and hug her and us sing a song we wrote together."

Monroe said it was a special moment for the friends to share and a way for her to show Lambert support.

"In Nashville, we are very much a community, we love each other no matter what’s going on and you could feel that love," Monroe said. "It’s just like everybody’s routing for her and obviously excited to see her because she’s Miranda. It was a very special moment but it’s always special when we’re singing together."

Lambert and Shelton showed a united front after their divorce in a Twitter exchange that drew attention away from their split and toward's Monroe's new album.

When Monroe saw the tweets she thought it was "amazing."

"They both love me so much and they wanted to use something that it’s obviously a world wind right now, so I think they wanted to use that to bring attention to something they both loved and wanted to work. I think it was pretty clever and it also showed they have sense of humor and they’re really good people."

For more of FOX411 Country's interview with Monroe, watch the video above.