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    Animals Named After Stars

    Even the animal world has its celebrities.

  • sex pistols AP
    The Sex Pistols Each of the band members of the popular '70s group has a member of the extinct species of Trilobites, a marine arthropod, named after them. A. cooki for Paul Cook, A. jonesi for Steve Jones, A. matlocki for Glen Matlock, A. rotteni for Johnny Rotten and A. viciousi for Sid Vicious. There are tons of other celebs who have been bestowed a similar honor - if you can call it that. (AP)
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  • St55ing AP
    Sting The musician has left his mark with his charity work protecting rain forests, and now his name lives on in the actual forests. A Columbian tree frog has been name Hyla Stingi. (AP)
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  • stephen colbert AP
    Stephen Colbert Who knew spiders could be funny? A species of trapdoor spiders that was discovered in 2007 has been named Aptostichus stephencolberti. (AP)
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  • angelina jolie reu
    Angelina Jolie Angelina also shares her name with a trapdoor spider, Aptostichus angelinajoliae. (Reuters)
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  • arnold reut
    Arnold Schwarzenegger His name already sounds like it could belong to a different species. But Arnold's name was also given to a beetle, Agra schwarzeneggeri, since the males in this species have biceps-like features.  Insects with biceps? Interesting. (Reuters)
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  • liv tyler rte
    Liv Tyler A carabid beetle was named after the actress who starred in "Armageddon" because the existence of Agra liv is dependent on the rainforest not going through an armageddon. So there. (Reuters)  
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  • kate winslet reu
    Kate Winslet The carabid beetle has over 40,000 species worldwide. One of them is Agra katewinsletae. (Reuters)  
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  • lauren and harvey AP
    Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy The double act will live on in a pair of cicadas. Stan (left) and Oliver (right) have two noisy creatures, Baeturia hardyi and Baeturia laureli, to continue their legacy.  (AP)
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  • Darth Vader Movie
    Darth Vader The dark masked "Star Wars" character shares some attributes with the beetle that shares his name. The jet black insect, Agathidium vaderi, has layers that look like cloaks, but no mask.  (20th Century Fox)
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  • rehugh hefner
    Hugh Hefner An endangered subspecies of Marsh rabbits is named after the Playboy founder; Sylvilagus palustris hefneri.  You make the connection. (Reuters)  
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    Animals Named After Stars

    Even the animal world has its celebrities.

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  • Animals Named After Stars
  • sex pistols AP
  • St55ing AP
  • stephen colbert AP
  • angelina jolie reu
  • arnold reut
  • liv tyler rte
  • kate winslet reu
  • lauren and harvey AP
  • Darth Vader Movie
  • rehugh hefner